Dyscalculia activities 3: time and timetables Dyscalculia activities 3: time and timetables

Dyscalculia activities 3: time and timetables


Dyscalculia activities 3: Time and timetables contains exercises and activities that are designed to overcome problems with time and ensure that children have a full ability to handle all the concepts of time – from the passing of seasons to the use of the 24 hour clock and the reading of timetables.

  • T1712

Time is the ultimate sequence, and children who master the concept of time usually overcome all their problems with sequencing and also find many concepts in maths much easier to handle. Indeed it is noticeable that many children who have difficulties with maths also have particular difficulties with the concept of time.

Dyscalculia activities 3: Time and timetables contains exercises and activities that are designed to overcome such problems and ensure that children have a full ability to handle all the concepts of time – from the passing of seasons to the use of the 24 hour clock and the reading of timetables.

The book contains a range of straightforward tests which will reveal where the child’s particular problems lie. This is followed by a series of activities covering all aspects of time. These activities can be undertaken in the classroom and can be photocopied and taken home. Indeed those children who are able to do five minutes homework a day on the subject of time will find that their understanding of time develops extremely quickly. The school will need to provide a series of coloured counters (such as those used with games of Ludo or tiddlywinks) and a set of cards. These can be bought from us - just click here.

The book is available in photocopiable format which means that the activities can be shared with other staff in your department. It is also available as a Word document on CD Rom to enable you to print out sections as required.

To see sample pages please click here

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Tony Attwood C.Ed., B.A., M.Phil (Lond), F.Inst.A.M


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